About this Blog

The Barbie Interviews Project intends to start a discussion about how gender roles and societal structures are taught to children through user-submitted anecdotes about Mattel's iconic doll.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Would you buy Barbies for your children?

"No... she is a terrible representation of an actual person. I want my children to grow to love how they turn out not grow up constantly disappointed that they aren't as "beautiful" as Barbie."

-Loraine, 19, Caucasian, heterosexual, female from the United States 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Loraine! If a real woman were built like Barbie anyway, she'd fall flat on her face. Living up to an idealized version of a "woman" or an idealized version of a "man" (as we see with Ken or G.I. Joe dolls) is fallacious to human nature.

    I don't know though that all girls who play with Barbies actually want to be like her. I had Barbie dolls growing up and I never made that attempt.
